
Marketmail® Archive

Our Marketmail covers a wide range of commentary from income stocks to global strategies. Be sure to sign up to have your copy delivered to your inbox. Here are the five featured research areas we cover:

11-28-23: While America Gave Thanks, the World Was in Revolt

by Louis Navellier November 28, 2023 Argentina’s vote began a trend that may have strong repercussions for Latin America, as well as Europe, and perhaps the U.S. With 143% annual consumer inflation, [...]

November 27th, 2023|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

11-21-23: Where Did All October’s Bears Go (After Halloween)?

by Jason Bodner November 21, 2023 Independent thinking is respected, but despite striving to be independent, being with the crowd feels safest, for most. Even though crowds make us feel better, they [...]

November 20th, 2023|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

11-21-23: The Market Shrugged Off the Worst Shocks of the Last Century

by Gary Alexander November 21, 2023 If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have [...]

November 20th, 2023|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

11-21-23: A Technical Take on Where Mr. Market Stands Now

by Bryan Perry November 21, 2023 Investors would be hard pressed to find an experienced market technical analyst that doesn’t think the major averages are “pegged” at current levels – that is, [...]

November 20th, 2023|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

11-21-23: Consumer Inflation is Fading Fast – and Producer Prices Turned Negative

by Louis Navellier November 21, 2023 Inflation was indeed “transitory,” although it lasted longer than the Fed originally meant by that word. The good news is that consumer inflation is fading fast. [...]

November 20th, 2023|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

11-14-23: Can The Best Trading Systems Be Replaced by… Pigeons?

By Jason Bodner November 14, 2023 Does “AI” Really Stand for Aviary Intelligence? We’re obsessed with AI these days. The notion that artificial intelligence can do anything as good, if not better, [...]

November 13th, 2023|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

11-14-23: Two Fed Presidents Audition for the Next Fed Chairmanship

by Louis Navellier November 14, 2023 Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal and appeared on Fox News and Bloomberg TV last week. Neel has great credentials: he [...]

November 13th, 2023|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

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