Institutional Investment Specialists

Public plans • Taft-Hartley plans • Corporations • Endowments • Foundations

Navellier offers institutional investors a full range of equity strategies based on our time-tested investment process that seeks high returns with controlled risk.

We feature:

  • Domestic and international portfolios across multiple capitalization ranges
  • Diversified portfolios built to outperform passive index strategies
  • Portfolios of fundamentally superior stocks designed for strong, sustainable growth

Our institutional team of seasoned professionals will guide you through our disciplined, quantitative investment process.

We are dedicated to building strong, long-term relationships with institutional clients and consultants through regular market commentaries, portfolio updates, and a range of other personalized products and services.

To request an investment brochure, click here.

To speak to an associate, call (800) 877-8671.

Navellier’s portfolios are style-pure and employ a disciplined investment process.

Navellier offers a wide variety of domestic and international investment options for institutional investors.

Navellier offers trustee education to its clients, which includes presentations and research reports. The links below include the most recent articles and materials developed for Navellier’s educational series.

We strive to ensure clients understand our process and interact with the investment team, generating confidence in Navellier’s investing experience and knowledge that we are working to meet clients’ needs.