
Marketmail® Archive

Our Marketmail covers a wide range of commentary from income stocks to global strategies. Be sure to sign up to have your copy delivered to your inbox. Here are the five featured research areas we cover:

5-14-24: Why this High-Tech Consumer Driven Economy is About to Hit “Pause”

by Bryan Perry May 14, 2024 There is a growing potential that the stock market is, and could continue to be, more bifurcated going forward, where the explosive spending on AI implementation [...]

May 13th, 2024|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

5-14-24: The Fed Should Cut Rates Before a Credit Crisis Forces Their Hand

by Louis Navellier May 14, 2024 The Fed seems determined to keep kicking the rate-cut can down the road. Last Tuesday, Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari issued an essay saying that the [...]

May 13th, 2024|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

5-7-24: Why the U.S. is an Economic and Investment Oasis – And Likely Will Remain So

by Gary Alexander May 7, 2024 As we approach the 80th anniversary of D-Day in June and the beginning of the end for the Axis powers in World War II, today marks [...]

May 6th, 2024|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

5-7-24: Powell’s Performance Boosts the Market Amid Downbeat Economic Reports

by Louis Navellier May 7, 2024 Last Wednesday, May 1, the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) statement confirmed a “lack of further progress” on bringing down inflation as their primary reason for [...]

May 6th, 2024|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

4-30-24: Selling is a Bull Market’s “Pressure Release Valve”

by Jason Bodner April 30, 2024 Pressure cookers have been around since 1679. The theory is that increased pressure raises cooking temperatures more than normal atmospheric pressures. This results in much more [...]

April 29th, 2024|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

4-30-24: Three Percent Inflation Looks Like “The New Normal”

by Bryan Perry April 30, 2024 Last year’s well-defined downtrend for inflation (2% in the “core” PCE in the second half of 2023) made it look like the Fed was nearly triumphant [...]

April 29th, 2024|Categories: Weekly MarketMail|Tags: |

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