by Louis Navellier

July 9, 2024

Last Wednesday, ADP announced that 150,000 new private payroll jobs were created in June, but those jobs were not very broad-based. Nela Richardson, chief economist at ADP, said, “Had it not been for a rebound in hiring in leisure and hospitality, June would have been a downbeat month.”

ADP’s balanced jobs report, as usual, is probably closer to the truth than the more widely heralded Friday jobs report, which will likely be revised later on. ADP is based on actual payroll data, not sample surveys.

On Friday, the Labor Department announced that 206,000 payroll jobs were created in June, which was slightly higher than the economists’ consensus estimate of 190,000. Despite that robust new job total, the unemployment rate rose to 4.1% in June, from 4.0% in May. The other big news was that there was a substantial downward revision of 57,000 payroll jobs for April (108,000 now, down from the 165,000 jobs first reported) and a 54,000 negative revision for May (218,000 jobs, down from the initial 272,000).

This is caused by the Labor Department reporting initial job estimates too early in the month to be accurate. Also, about three quarters of June’s payroll growth was in government, healthcare and social assistance, according to The Wall Street Journal (“Government to the Jobs Rescue”). The Journal said, “These industries also made up roughly half of the new jobs in May and more than 90% in April.”  In contrast, June’s total manufacturing jobs declined by 8,000, the biggest monthly drop since February.

The Labor Department also announced on Wednesday that jobless claims rose to 238,000 in the latest week, up from a revised 234,000 in the previous week. This was the ninth straight week that jobless claims have steadily risen. Continuing unemployment claims rose to 1.858 million in the latest week, up from a revised 1.832 million in the previous week, the highest rate since November 2021.

In other economic news, the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) announced that its manufacturing index slipped to 48.5 in June, down from 48.7 in May. This represents the third straight monthly decline and the 19th time in the past 20 months the index fell below 50, the mark which signals a contraction.

The ISM service index has been below 50 in two of the past three months, dropping sharply from 53.8 in May to 48.8 in June. Also, the new export orders component declined to 48.8 in June, from 50.6 in May.

ISM Chairman Timothy R. Fiore, said, “Demand remains subdued, as companies demonstrate an unwillingness to invest in capital and inventory due to current monetary policy and other conditions,” adding that “62% of manufacturing gross domestic product (GDP) contracted in June, up from 55% in May.”  Ouch!  In addition, nine of the 17 manufacturing industries surveyed in June contracted.

The U.S. trade deficit rose 0.8% in May to $75.1 billion, the largest deficit since October 2022. Exports declined by 0.7% to $261.7 billion in May, while imports declined 0.3% to $336.7 billion. Any time both exports and imports are declining, it is a sign of weak worldwide economic growth. I suspect that economists will be trimming their second-quarter GDP estimates in the wake of the May trade data.

Sure enough, in the wake of the lagging ISM manufacturing report and lower trade data, the Atlanta Fed cut its second-quarter GDP estimate to a 1.5% annual pace, down from its previous estimate of 1.7%.

Update on the Contentious British, French and U.S. Elections

The outcome of the French elections are expected to dominate the news this week. In Britain, as expected, the Labour party scored a major victory last Thursday, the first major victory for the Labour party since 2005. New Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is expected to rule as a moderate and not increase income or VAT (Value Added Tax). The new Labour party has promised to be pro-business and review the property tax levies that have annoyed many businesses. However, Britain, especially London, is home to many foreign billionaires, due to its favorable taxes on non-British citizens, so it will be interesting to see if Prime Minister Starmer will try to tax these non-voting foreign billionaires in new and innovative ways. Additionally, the offshore trusts than many wealthy British utilize to lower inheritance taxes may be disallowed by PM Starmer and his new majority in Parliament (412 of 650 seats), since taxing dead people is easier than taxing voters.

In France, first-round voting last week was the highest in nearly 40 years, which suggested that the conservative movement in France is stronger than ever. The right-wing Rassemblement National (RN) party, led by Marine Le Pen, won 33% of the vote, the left-wing Nouveau Front Populaire alliance, came in second with 28% of the vote, while Macron’s Ensemble alliance got only 22.4% of the vote.

At first, it looked like this French vote was a blow-back against both the European Union (EU) and French President Macron, but the early results of this Monday’s runoff election show that Marine Le Pen’s right-wing party came in third to the left-wing coalition, so it will not be such an uncomfortable power-sharing arrangement (known as a “cohabitation”) for Macron now, since he was once a Socialist in his youth.

In America, it looks like President Biden is stubbornly holding on to his delegates and his power, despite his dismal showing in the debate and in any live, unscripted interview, as opposed the tele-scripted rallies.

Most Democrat Party leaders want to replace Biden on the ticket. The easiest way for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to replace him is for Biden to remove himself from the race. I posted a video several months ago predicting that California governor Gavin Newsom would be nominated in August at the DNC in Chicago. The last time anything like this happened was back in 1972, when the so-called “Superdelegates” replaced Vice Presidential candidate Thomas Eagleton with Sargent Shriver.

The polls are now shifting more in Trump’s favor, and some previously blue states, like New Hampshire and Virginia, are now expected to vote for Trump. Based on the electoral college, there appears to be no way Biden can get re-elected. One example of electoral college blindness in the Biden administration is in Pennsylvania. Last January, the Biden Administration halted LNG export applications and said it needed to “review how to account for climate risks of projects before approving exports.” At the time, I said this LNG ban had just cost President Biden the state of Pennsylvania, since the western part of the state is a big natural gas producer and LNG exporter. Last week, the Fifth Circuit Appeals Court reversed the Energy Department’s freeze on new LNG export approvals after 16 states sued the Department of Energy.

On top of that debacle, Hurricane Beryl is now expected to curtail offshore crude oil production as well as temporarily disrupt energy exports, while the Biden administration stubbornly resists energy expansion.

So, just like the student loan forgiveness that President Biden promised, but was subsequently denied, federal courts continue to overturn the Biden Administration executive orders!  Someone in the Biden Administration needs to take a civics course, since constantly fighting the federal courts seems futile.

On the day after President Biden fumbled so badly in the U.S. Presidential debate, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he was drawing up a “comprehensive plan” for how Kyiv believes the war with Russia should end. Specifically, Zelensky said, “It is very important for us to show a plan to end the war that will be supported by the majority of the world.” Since France and Britain and the U.S. are mired in the midst (or threat) of regime change, these three powerful nations that have backed Ukraine and provided military aid to date suddenly have no time to help Zelensky or even meet with him.

Zelensky is obviously concerned that a victory by Donald Trump – as well as any right-wing shift in some EU nations – may scuttle further support for his undermanned and underfunded war effort, so Zelensky told Bloomberg TV on Wednesday that Donald Trump should come forward with his peace plan now, not later: “If Trump knows how to finish this war, he should tell us today.”  Zelensky added, “If there are risks to Ukrainian independence, if we lose statehood – we want to be ready … we want to know that now.”

We face interesting days and months ahead in this 2024 Presidential election race.

All content above represents the opinion of Louis Navellier of Navellier & Associates, Inc.

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About The Author

Louis Navellier

Louis Navellier is Founder, Chairman of the Board, Chief Investment Officer and Chief Compliance Officer of Navellier & Associates, Inc., located in Reno, Nevada. With decades of experience translating what had been purely academic techniques into real market applications, he believes that disciplined, quantitative analysis can select stocks that will significantly outperform the overall market. All content in this “A Look Ahead” section of Market Mail represents the opinion of Louis Navellier of Navellier & Associates, Inc.

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