Power Dividend Portfolio
The Navellier Power Dividend Portfolio is a unique product. It uses the time-tested Navellier stock selection methodology to identify high quality stocks with strong dividend growth rates. Our research found that financially sound companies with positive dividend growth rates offer attractive total return potential.
In addition to our proprietary quantitative and fundamental screening process, we seek stocks with market caps greater than $250 million that not only pay and grow their dividends but also have positive free cash flow sufficient to cover the dividend payment. In addition, the stocks must demonstrate compelling profitability measures. Typically, stocks in this portfolio exhibit positive return on equity and positive return on assets. Statistical measures may also be used in an attempt to identify unusual price movements in individual stock prices, which may result in higher-than-average turnover and cash positions for the portfolio.
Portfolio Managers

Louis Navellier
Mr. Navellier’s stock selection process focuses on quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis, and optimization of the securities selected for the portfolio.
Michael Garaventa
Mr. Garaventa manages the All Cap Core strategy and is a member of many portfolio management teams including, but not limited to the Large Cap Growth, Power Dividend, and Small-to-Mid Cap Growth management teams.
Tim Hope
Mr. Hope manages the Power Dividend and Concentrated High Dividend Portfolios.
Performance results presented herein do not necessarily indicate future performance; investment in equity strategies involves substantial risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. Results presented include reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. None of the stock information, data and company information presented herein constitutes a recommendation by Navellier or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities.