Important Disclosures:

Although information in these reports has been obtained from and is based upon sources that Navellier believes to be reliable, Navellier does not guarantee its accuracy, and it may be incomplete or condensed. All opinions and estimates constitute Navellier’s judgment as of the date the report was created and are subject to change without notice. These reports are for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation for the purchase or sale of a security. Any decision to purchase securities mentioned in these reports must take into account existing public information on such securities or any registered prospectus. To the extent permitted by law, neither Navellier & Associates, Inc., nor any of its affiliates, agents, or service providers assumes any liability or responsibility nor owes any duty of care for any consequences of any person acting or refraining to act in reliance on the information contained in this communication or for any decision based on it.

Past performance is no indication of future results. Investment in securities involves significant risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. It should not be assumed that any securities recommendations made by Navellier, in the future will be profitable or equal the performance of securities made in this report. Dividend payments are not guaranteed. The amount of a dividend payment, if any, can vary over time and issuers may reduce dividends paid on securities in the event of a recession or adverse event affecting a specific industry or issuer.

None of the stock information, data, and company information presented herein constitutes a recommendation by Navellier or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities. Any specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended for advisory clients. The holdings identified do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended for advisory clients and the reader should not assume that investments in the securities identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

Information presented is general information that does not take into account your individual circumstances, financial situation, or needs, nor does it present a personalized recommendation to you. Individual stocks presented may not be suitable for every investor. Investment in securities involves significant risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. Investment in fixed income securities has the potential for the investment return and principal value of an investment to fluctuate so that an investor’s holdings, when redeemed, may be worth less than their original cost.

One cannot invest directly in an index. Index is unmanaged and index performance does not reflect deduction of fees, expenses, or taxes. Presentation of Index data does not reflect a belief by Navellier that any stock index constitutes an investment alternative to any Navellier equity strategy or is necessarily comparable to such strategies. Among the most important differences between the Indices and Navellier strategies are that the Navellier equity strategies may (1) incur material management fees, (2) concentrate its investments in relatively few stocks, industries, or sectors, (3) have significantly greater trading activity and related costs, and (4) be significantly more or less volatile than the Indices.

Grader Disclosure: Investment in stocks involves substantial risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. The accompanying charts are for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell any financial instrument or investment strategy and should not be relied upon in an investment making decision. This is not an offer of investment advice and is not an investment strategy. It is simply a disclosure of the results of Navellier’s proprietary analysis. The performance presented is not based on any actual securities trading, portfolio, or accounts, and the reported hypothetical performance of the A, B, C, D, and F stock groups graded should not be considered investment advice or an investment strategy.

The charts and other information presented here do not represent actual funded trades and are not actual funded portfolios. There are material differences between hypothetical and the research, and hypothetical performance figures presented here. The research results (1) may contain stocks that are illiquid and difficult to trade; (2) may contain stock holdings materially different from actual funded investments; (3) include the reinvestment of all dividends and other earnings, estimated trading costs, commissions, or management fees; and, (4) may not reflect prices obtained in an actual funded investment. For these and other reasons, the reported performances do not reflect the performance results of actually funded and traded Investment Products.

As a matter of important disclosure regarding the hypothetical results presented for Stock Grader and Dividend Grader, the following factors must be considered when evaluating the long- and short-term performance figures presented:

  • Historical or illustrated results presented herein do not indicate future performance; Investment in securities involves significant risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested.
  • The results presented were generated during a period of mixed (improving and deteriorating) economic conditions in the S. and positive and negative market performance. There can be no assurance that these same market conditions will occur again in the future. Navellier has no data regarding actual performance in different economic or market cycles or conditions.
  • The back-tested historical look back performance was derived from the hypothetical application of a particular Navellier analysis applying investment criteria with the benefit of hindsight.
  • The hypothetical results portrayed reflect the hypothetical reinvestment of dividends and other income.
  • The hypothetical net performance results portrayed include the hypothetical reinvestment of all dividends and other earnings. Hypothetical net results also include our estimation of investment advisory fees, administrative fees, transaction expenses, or other expenses that an investor might have A 1.75% annualized advisory fee is built into the net return calculations although that fee is higher than actual advisory fees investors normally pay for investment advisory services.
  • LIMITATIONS INHERENT IN HYPOTHETICAL RESULTS: The hypothetical performance results presented are not from actually funded investments, and may not reflect the impact that material economic and market factors might have had on adviser’s or investors decision making if an adviser were actually managing a clients’ money, and thus present returns which are greater than what an actual investor would have experienced for the time The results are presented for informational purposes only. No real money has been invested in this analysis of hypothetical performance. The hypothetical performance results should not be considered and are not actual performance.

FEDERAL TAX ADVICE DISCLAIMER: As required by U.S. Treasury Regulations, you are informed that, to the extent this presentation includes any federal tax advice, the presentation is not written by Navellier to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding federal tax penalties. Navellier does not advise on any income tax requirements or issues. Use of any information presented by Navellier is for general information only and does not represent tax advice either express or implied. You are encouraged to seek professional tax advice for income tax questions and assistance.

IMPORTANT NEWSLETTER DISCLOSURE: The hypothetical performance results for investment newsletters that are authored or edited by Louis Navellier, including Louis Navellier’s Growth Investor, Louis Navellier’s Breakthrough Stocks, Louis Navellier’s Accelerated Profits, and Louis Navellier’s Platinum Club, are not based on any actual securities trading, portfolio, or accounts, and the newsletters’ reported hypothetical performances should be considered mere “paper” or proforma hypothetical performance results and are not actual performance of real world trades. Navellier &Associates, Inc. does not have any relation to or affiliation with the owner of these newsletters. There are material differences between Navellier Investment Products’ portfolios and the InvestorPlace Media, LLC newsletter portfolios authored by Louis Navellier. The InvestorPlace Media, LLC newsletters contain hypothetical performance that do not include transaction costs, advisory fees, or other fees a client might incur if actual investments and trades were being made by an investor. As a result, newsletter performance should not be used to evaluate Navellier Investment services which are separate and different from the newsletters. The owner of the newsletters is InvestorPlace Media, LLC and any questions concerning the newsletters, including any newsletter advertising or hypothetical Newsletter performance claims, (which are calculated solely by Investor Place Media and not Navellier) should be referred to InvestorPlace Media, LLC at (800) 718-8289.

Please note that Navellier & Associates and the Navellier Private Client Group are managed completely independent of the newsletters owned and published by InvestorPlace Media, LLC and written and edited by Louis Navellier, and investment performance of the newsletters should in no way be considered indicative of potential future investment performance for any Navellier & Associates separately managed account portfolio. Potential investors should consult with their financial advisor before investing in any Navellier Investment Product.