Libertas 30

A diversified portfolio including domestic equity, international, alternative, and fixed income components. ETF universe is ranked using a quantitative system based on market price anomalies and the direction of the market based on return/risk characteristics. The portfolio may be less defensive than other similar portfolios. Uses a sine wave overlay to signal when to increase and decrease ETF and cash positions.

ETF Universe (By Sleeve)

U.S. Equity ETFs
Consumer Discretionary XLY
Consumer Staples XLP
Energy IYE
Financials XLF
Healthcare XLV
Industrials IYJ
Materials XLB
Technology IYW
Utilities IDU
Fixed Income ETFs
Investment Grade LQD
High Yield HYG
Tips TIP
Floating Rate FLOT
Mortgages MBB
20+ Year Treasury Bond TLT
7-10 Year Treasury Bond IEF
1-3 Year Treasury Bond SHY
International Equity ETFs
Europe VGK
Canada EWC
Japan EWJ
Pacific ex Japan EPP
Emerging Markets EEM
Alternative ETFs
Gold GLD
Real Estate IYR
S&P 500 SPY
Cash Equivalent
Short-term Treasuries
(or cash equivalent)

Portfolio Managers

Louis Navellier

Mr. Navellier’s stock selection process focuses on quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis, and optimization of the securities selected for the portfolio.

Michael Garaventa

Mr. Garaventa manages the All Cap Core strategy and is a member of many portfolio management teams including, but not limited to the Large Cap Growth, Power Dividend, and Small-to-Mid Cap Growth management teams.

*The Libertas 30 accounts may invest in a cash equivalent, such as money market funds, in place of short-term Treasuries. As of August 24, 2015, the following ETFs were added to the Fixed Income sleeve of the investment universe: iShares® Barclays 20+ Year Treasury Bond and iShares® Barclays 1-3 Year Treasury Bond.

Performance results presented herein do not necessarily indicate future performance; investment in equity strategies involves substantial risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. Results presented include reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. None of the stock information, data and company information presented herein constitutes a recommendation by Navellier or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities. As a matter of normal and important disclosures to you, as a potential investor, please consider the following: The model performances presented in the accompanying charts and graphs are not based on any actual securities trading, portfolio, or accounts, and should be considered mere “paper” or proforma performance results based on Navellier’s research.