Fundamental ‘A’ Portfolio
The Navellier Fundamental ‘A’ Portfolio seeks long-term capital growth by investing generally in a combination of growth, value, and international stocks of companies that have the potential to rise in price.
The portfolio attempts to achieve the highest possible returns for a given level of risk. The portfolio’s strategy is to achieve capital appreciation by constructing a portfolio of growth, value, and international securities which are deemed to have “grades” in the top 20 percent as measured in a proprietary model. Our selection process focuses on fast-growing companies that offer innovative products, services, or technologies to a rapidly expanding marketplace.
Portfolio Managers

Louis Navellier
Mr. Navellier’s stock selection process focuses on quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis, and optimization of the securities selected for the portfolio.
Michael Garaventa
Mr. Garaventa manages the All Cap Core strategy and is a member of many portfolio management teams including, but not limited to the Large Cap Growth, Power Dividend, and Small-to-Mid Cap Growth management teams.
Performance results presented herein do not necessarily indicate future performance; investment in equity strategies involves substantial risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. Results presented include reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. None of the stock information, data and company information presented herein constitutes a recommendation by Navellier or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities.