by Gary Alexander
January 7, 2025
Yesterday was January 6th, when the new Congress (the 119th) met to tally the Electoral College votes so that President-elect Trump is cleared for Inauguration in two weeks. That is generally a formality, but four years ago it turned into a protest and then a Storming of the Bastille, a sad day in American history.
So…how did the stock market react the week of January 4-8, 2021? Take a guess before reading on…
On Monday, January 4th, 2021, the S&P 500 closed at 3,700 and change. Then it rose every day that week. The assault on the Capitol came on Wednesday during market hours: The market closed up 0.57% on January 6th. Then it rose by a giant step (+1.48%) the next full day, Thursday, January 7th, and it also rose 0.55% on Friday. All in all, the S&P rose 3.35% from Monday through Friday, January 4-8, 2021.
Then – no net gain for 22 months. The irony is that the stock market went nowhere from Friday January 8, 2021, to the mid-term election on November 8, 2022. In that 117th Congress, the Democrats controlled the White House and both branches of Congress. That’s when the Biden administration drafted several big stimulus spending bills but chose NOT to raise taxes or repeal the Trump tax cuts nor his tariffs.
Specifically, the S&P 500 was 3,851.65 on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021, and it stood at 3,828.11 on election day, November 8, 2022, when the Republicans took back control of the House – so when you say there was a great stock market in the Biden years, you are referring ONLY to his second two years.
Graphs are for illustrative and discussion purposes only. Please read important disclosures at the end of this commentary.
It’s a common assumption that political unrest could cause a market crash – that the market likes calm, or at least “political predictability” – but it seems like the market prefers the promise of reform a lot more.
When Trump was first elected in a surprise upset on November 8, 2016, pundits were in shock, but the market soared. That was not what Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman expected. He wrote a column for The New York Times at 12:42 on November 9th, 2016, when Trump’s victory seemed certain.
“It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear. Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.” – Paul Krugman, New York Times, November 9, 2016.
What really happened from November 7, 2016 (the day before the election) to the end of 2017? A gain of over 30% in the major averages, and gains of 43%+ in two indexes by the mid-term 2018 elections:
In 2024, Trump mounted a second comeback win. Was that year-long ascent to power part of the reason for the market’s strong surge in 2024? NASDAQ and the S&P 500 were up well over 20% for the full year, while gold and silver matched them, despite a 7% gain in the dollar, which muted their overall gain.
That brings us up to date on the Trump surprises of 2016, 2021 and 2024. How about some ancient election history. Contrary to our short memory spans, disputed elections aren’t just a recent phenomenon.
Other Disputed Elections from 225, 200, 150 and 25 Years Ago
The 1800 Election (John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson) began on October 31, 1800, and was not resolved until April 1801 in what has been called, “The Revolution of 1800.” It involved partisan machinations in a lame-duck Congress, vote recounts in Georgia, bitter recriminations between founding fathers that lasted for decades, and a duel that left Alexander Hamilton dead by the hands of the Vice President, Aaron Burr. You can’t get more disputed than that, but Adams’ son got revenge a generation later, in the 1824 contest:
The 1824 election (Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams) recorded the popular vote for the first time, but it didn’t matter, since then (as now) electoral votes are the only votes that count. In that contest, the Tennessee General Andrew Jackson beat John Quincy Adams in electoral votes, 99 to 84, but since two other candidates won 78 votes, Jackson failed to win 50% of the electoral college, so the matter was sent to the House, where wheeling and dealing by Adams’ cronies threw the election to JQ Adams. Jackson stewed – rather than calling for a duel (his usual M.O.) – as he engineered a Nixonian comeback in 1828.
How interesting – an Adams, son of a President, separated only by a middle initial, beat a candidate from Tennessee, by horse trading in DC: Shades of George “W.” Bush beating Tennessee’s Al Gore in 2000, based on hanging chads on Florida ballots, only resolved in mid-December by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The 1876 election was another disputed election as Samuel J. Tilden was one of the few Democrat underdogs among 10 Republican winners from Lincoln in 1864 to Taft in 1908 to win the popular vote, but the electoral college went to Republican Rutheford B. Hayes via machinations engineered by the two-term incumbent Ulysses Grant, as described in detail in a book by Bret Baier, “To Rescue the Republic: Ulysses S. Grant, the Fragile Union, and the Crisis of 1876.” But Grant had to end the era of Southern Reconstruction in the process, dooming southern blacks to another 90+ years of oppression in the bargain.
In closing, let me honor the late President Jimmy Carter by recalling his 1976 election, which was not disputed. Carter was a fresh new face – similar to other, later “hope and change” candidates that brought big market recoveries in their wake – Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
There was a huge market surge with the rise of Carter’s candidacy, with the S&P rising 31.5% in 1975 and 19.1% in 1976 for a total gain of 57%, but 1975 didn’t start out with a rosy scenario. Imagine this State of the Union address opening by President Gerald Ford – addressing the nation January 15, 1975:
“I’ve got bad news, and I don’t expect any applause. The state of the union is not good. Millions of Americans are out of work. Recession and inflation are eroding the money of millions more. Prices are too high, and sales are too low.” – President Ford, January 15, 1975.
Ford’s only policy solution in this dismal 1975 talk was higher energy taxes – a sure voter turnoff.
The political situation 50 years ago featured an appointed Vice President (Ford), who had inherited the Presidency after Nixon resigned and his Vice President (Spiro Agnew) resigned over criminal charges. In that context, a smiling peanut farmer, a brilliant Naval veteran schooled by Admiral Hyman Rickover, a moral Southern Baptist, a man of the people who became governor, and an outsider, seemed like just the person to ride America into its bicentennial year. He had some good ideas – like launching our first wave of deregulation – but he also surrendered much of the globe to Soviet expansion under Leonid Brezhnev, and he allowed inflation, unemployment and interest rates to soar higher in 1980 than they were in 1976.
In the end, President Carter gave his own “malaise” speech, similar to Ford’s 1975 doomsday talk, so, I’d say markets often rise on a hope for change, but they also often fall on a return to reality, later on.
All content above represents the opinion of Gary Alexander of Navellier & Associates, Inc.
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About The Author

Gary Alexander
Gary Alexander has been Senior Writer at Navellier since 2009. He edits Navellier’s weekly Marketmail and writes a weekly Growth Mail column, in which he uses market history to support the case for growth stocks. For the previous 20 years before joining Navellier, he was Senior Executive Editor at InvestorPlace Media (formerly Phillips Publishing), where he worked with several leading investment analysts, including Louis Navellier (since 1997), helping launch Louis Navellier’s Blue Chip Growth and Global Growth newsletters.
Prior to that, Gary edited Wealth Magazine and Gold Newsletter and wrote various investment research reports for Jefferson Financial in New Orleans in the 1980s. He began his financial newsletter career with KCI Communications in 1980, where he served as consulting editor for Personal Finance newsletter while serving as general manager of KCI’s Alexandria House book division. Before that, he covered the economics beat for news magazines. All content of “Growth Mail” represents the opinion of Gary Alexander
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